Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wash Doll Mechanically Wash

woman children so glad play doll. belong also your child. nah…agar doll kesayangan image_thumb5your child not easy brokens and permanent fresh…simak tips follow:
1. insert doll to poke laundry.  or otherwise has insert to pillow-case. the purpose spy doll doesn't broken, because yg memputar by engine kan the cover (the pocket) so ngga take care afraid. . .
2. wash meagrely soap and dry in engine. because actually yg want us wash kan debu2 so that lost.
3. sit in the sun / at angin2 until dry.
4. after dry, at arrange bulu2 yg rathe
r 'nggerembel let good again, combed to wear hand.

so far, boneka2 shafiyyah always i do like that, time-table wash it 2-3 month once. really easier if has washing machine frontload (enclosing it at in front of/glass) karenan usually engine mutar balance. but wear washing machine up load (enclosing at on) also ngga problem



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