Sunday, June 21, 2009

Care Washing Machine

if you want to buy washing machine or another electronic goods, beside to look for cheap price, good quality sure also you interested with the guarantee facilities. may even exist image several goods sale places elektonik that give guarantee up to 1 - 2 year. but likely better prevent than we must depend on guarantee card. under this is there are some tips care washing machine:

" koid to put into hand into washing machine and or dryer engine at the (time) of engine operates.
" put washing machine far from child reach or child playground.
" don't atomize water to panel control.
" koid washing machine from direct sunshine.
" koid moist place. washing machine must be cleaned from dust.
" use detergen and water as according to operating guide.
" after used, kill engine and pull whoa the contact.
" clothes that want washed should
as according to washing machine capacity so that doesn't botch activator motor.



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