care easy difficult knitting coat. hit to pull of a little, broken deh the thread, ketarik a little, molor deh the coat. belom again kalo wrong wash. . . . follow easy tricks so that our knitting coat durable:
- moment wash, use soft detergent cleaner liquid for example for layette. when there is no, change detergent with soft baby soap.
- koid washing machine use. gilasan or washing machine rotation can make knitting expand and hairy.
- use cold water when washes.
- unnecessary mengucek, enough soak knitting coat in detergent solution, then wash up to clean and don't memperas.
- dry net clothing by put it at flat flat. don't hanged so that coat doesn't lose form.
- kept by rolled, this will avoid lipatan2 yg will happen if we keep it dgn manner at fold.
- knitting coat ready at wear any time without necessary at iron.
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