Thursday, May 21, 2009

Caring About Appreal Shirt (2)

3 Eliminate the outdated clothes. If you wear clothes that color mix color, then do not worry. enter the waters clothing for about 30 minutes in acid solution of vinegar has been mixed with detergent. That way, keep your clothes clean color mix will again. good luck.

Noda clean with Soap dab ink. Soap is not just dab cleaning kitchen furniture and clothing, but can remove ink stains on the shirt or trousers. How, enter the waters clothing blot exposed for 15 minutes with water. After that, take soap and dab on the clothes take affected blot, and blot until wash with hand lost. Well, your clothes will be clean as they are used without a cause or damage. Easy huh?

Noda oil on the clothes. Oil stain on clothes sometimes be difficult. If you are experiencing similar things, do not worry, follow the following recipe: take powder on the affected clothing stains, wash with hand when washing clothes, then wash as usual using the soap. Had oil stains on the clothes you will be lost.

good luck!!!!!



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