Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Pup Bayi


Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Pup Bayi.  Kelahiran bayi baru tentu sangat membahagiakan. hari-hari baru dengan pengalaman-pengalaman baru bersama si kecil. Soal cuci-mencuci, Pakbaby aian Anak bisa jadi merupakan pengalaman tak terduga bagi ibu baru. jumlahnya yang menumpuk dengan noda yang tergolong ‘kotoran berat’, cukup membuat kelimpungan menghadapi Busana Bayi tersebut. berikut ini adalah Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Pup Bayi yang tepat:

  • buang kotoran dengan pancaran air deras ke wc
  • kucek dengan sabun untuk menghilangkan sisa kotoran rendam kurang lebih 30 menit kucek lagi dan sikat Beberapa Hal yang Patut Diperhatikan:
  • Lebih baik menggunakan sabun mandi batangan untuk menghilangkan noda pup.

Selamay mencoba…..Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Pup Bayi. 

Monday, August 24, 2009

Kindle: “The Future of Book Reading”


Three years ago, AMAZON set out to design and build an entirely new class of gadget—a convenient, portable reading device with the ability to wirelessly download books, blogs, magazines, and newspapers. The result is Amazon Kindle. kindle amazon

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See More Reactions from Bestselling Authors….

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Care Children Shirt


Care Children Shirt. Birth new baby sure very makes. new days with new experiences with the little. exercise cuci-mencuci, child clothes possible be unforeseen experience for new mother. the total that congest with stain that belong to ‘kotoran berat’, enough make confused face baby clothBABY ing. follow manner Care Children Shirt:

  • soak layette at minimal branch water 15 minutes
  • wash and kucek baby coat with clean water
  • soak again baby clothing with detergent,  and kucek after soaked
  • wash with water flows or at pail but can 2 times or 3 times moves pail

congratulation…. Care Children Shirt…

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Merawat Kemeja Anak-anak


Merawat Kemeja Anak-anak. Kelahiran bayi baru tentu sangat membahagiakan. hari-hari baru dengan pengalaman-pengalaman baru bersama si kecil. Soal cuci-mencuci, Pakaian Anak bisa jadi merupakan pengalaman tak terduga bagi ibu baru. jumlahnya yang menumpuk dengan noda yang tergolong ‘kotoran berat’, cukup membuat kelimpungan menghadapi Busana Bayi tersebut. berikut ini adalahbaby cara Merawat Kemeja Anak-anak yang tepat:

  • rendam Pakaian Bayi di air biasa minimal 15 menit
  • bilas dan kucek Baju Bayi dengan air bersih
  • rendam lagi Busana Bayi dengan deterjen, dan kucek setelah direndam
  • bilas dengan air mengalir atau di ember tapi bisa 2 kali atau 3 kali pindah ember

Selamat mencoba….Merawat Kemeja Anak-anak…

Friday, August 7, 2009

Care Lingerie


Care Lingerie. of course you all know that that girl underwear production incredible has bloomed at full speed even for class only segitu aja guy, but you must proud of the mentioned now i shall give so that you will understand and understand right to care lingerie. , bra,  and underwear kesayanganWOMAN you all.
manner care it:
1. dissociate undershirt, bra and coloured underwear and not coloured so that is not hitted faded.

2. soak part in that is: undershirt, bra and underwear with rinso,  or attack during 30 minutes or 1 clock and don't soak your underwear concurrent with clothes other likes school uniform or house clothes and as it.

3. after mengucek by hand, don't overweening so that doesn't botch the rubber, don't occasionally be brushed suiting in coarse.

4. wash as much as 3 times, afterwards soak undershirt, bra,  and your underwear is with pelembut likes molto, softtener so klin,  and as it during 3 – 5 minutes. then sit in the sun your underwear in a state of wet don't memperas and at sit in the sun at direct sunshine. note don't dry in the sun insides room or insides room hanaya your underwear fan clothes soes not fresh with the exception of rain.

congratulation try to Care Lingerie.….

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Merawat Pakaian Dalam Wanita


Merawat Pakaian Dalam Wanita. Tentunya kamu semua sudah tahu bahwa produksi pakaian dalam cewek itu luar biasa berkembang dengan pesat bahkan untuk kaum cowok hanya segitu aja, tapi kalian harus bangga akan hal tersebut sekarang Saya akan memberikan agar kamu mengerti dan paham betul untuk Merawat Pakaian Dalam Wanita., Bra, dan Celana Dalam kesayangan kamu semua.woman


1. Pisahkan kaos dalam, Bra dan Celana Dalam yang berwarna dan tidak berwarna agar tidak terkena luntur.

2. Rendamlah bagian dalam yaitu : kaos dalam, Bra dan Celana Dalam dengan Rinso, atau Attack selama 30 menit atau 1 jam dan jangan rendam pakaian dalam kalian bersamaan dengan pakaian lain seperti seragam sekolah atau pakaian rumah dan sebagainya.

3. Setelah dikucek dengan tangan, jangan terlalu kuat agar tidak merusak karetnya, jangan sekali-kali disikat bahan Pakaian Dalam tersebut akan kasar.

4. Bilaslah sebanyak 3 kali, setelah itu rendamlah kaos dalam, Bra, dan Celana Dalam kamu dengan pelembut seperti Molto, Softtener so klin, dan sebagainya selama 3 – 5 menit. Lalu jemur pakaian dalam kamu dalam keadaan basah jangan diperas dan di jemur di sinar matahari langsung. Catatan jangan menjemur didalam kamar atau didalam ruangan hanaya pakaian kipas angin pakaian dalam kalian jadi tidak Fresh terkecuali hujan.

Selamat mencoba Merawat Pakaian Dalam Wanita….

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Choose Lingerie


Choose Lingerie. of course you all know that that girl underwear production incredible has bloomed at full speed even for class only segitu aja guy, but you must proud of the mentioned now i shall give so that you will understand and understand right to choose lingerie. , bra,  and underwear kesayangan you all.
1. look for undershirt, bra,  and made underwear from ingredient cotton 100% so that easy sweat is absorbed.
2. don't often will wear sexy pants because sweat will not be adsorbed 100 % that will evoke smell and bacteria around sicinta you. note: sexy pants only at wear for gymnastics or sport but also not for swimsuit.
3. use appropriate bra of the size your breast fruit so that doesn't make irritation in shoulder and armpit. look for appropriate bra with your body posture so that your appearance is seen section.
4. major for you underwear girls to moment you are arrival menstruation/mentruasi, so that doesn't leave pockmarked in underwear kesayangan you.
5. manner choose your underwear must give attention to the rubber look for that durable, bent,  and not saggy fast,  and use section underwear has fit the bent power in sicinta.

congratulation Choose Lingerie.…. .


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